On Thursday we welcomed Simon Mawn, Dieter Bischoff and Julia Grünhage from ZARM in our office to show them the current state of the preparations of our experiment.
We talked about mechanical drawings and the manufacturing of the components’ housings. There was a demonstration of the ground station and how we plan to operate the experiment. Furthermore we presented the electrical components we designed ourselves.
- presentation of self-designed electrical components
- Bastian Klein, Simon Mawn and Dieter Bischoff (ltr) discussing the mechanical assembly of the experiment
Finally the experiment was connected to a REXUS simulator for the first time. In that way we wanted to test, if all connections for signals, communication and power work as required for the REXUS rocket.
Unfortunately the experiment didn’t work initially. Some research in the afternoon showed that we are using a connector the wrong way round. With a self-build adapter the problem could be solved and the experiment finally worked with the REXUS simulator.
- first REXUS simulation
- PATHOS components connected to REXUS simulator (left board)
As a result we can state that PATHOS is on a good way and the IPR is passed! Now we have time until mid of december to finish the experiment integration and testing.