Dominik Wagner
Team Leader – Project Management
Electrical engineering
Dominik is the student team leader and therefore responsible for the overall management of the PATHOS project.
He is also part of the electrical engineering team.
Jonas Ehnle
Electrical Engineering & Power System
Jonas is responsible for the electrical engineering.
He ensures that every component is supplied with power.
Moritz Aicher
System & Hardware Engineering
Moritz´s task is the selection and configuration of all hardware components as well as the writing of the flight software.
Florian Kunzi
System & Hardware Engineering
Florian is responsible for the selection and configuration of all hardware components. Together with Moritz he is writing the flight software.
He also takes care of the Ground Segment and the verification of the system.
Liviu Stamat
Algorithm Development & Implementation
Liviu is mainly responsible for the algorithm. It is his task to improve the algorithm HORACE invented. Together with Felix he will research the algorithm improvement and implementation possibilities.
Felix Klesen
Algorithm Development & Implementation
Felix´s task is to improve the algorithm HORACE invented by researching different concepts and by improving the implementation.
Kevin Chmiela
Algorithm Development & Implementation
Kevin´s task is to improve the algorithm HORACE invented by researching different concepts and by improving the implementation.
Elke Heidmann
Simulation Environment
Public Outreach
The main task for Elke will be the testing and validation of the PATHOS experiment. She therefore will select and manage the test facilities and develop a test plan.
She is also responsible for the public outreach program.
Bastian Klein
Device Assembly & Mechanical Integration
It´s Bastian´s job to design all mechanical components and assembly the experiment. Therefore he has to create CAD drawings and build the components respectively order them.